
What I remember Nininger telling me was that he used a set of standard
geologic grain sizing screens for shperoid sizing.  I have a complete
set of shperoids from him. (There is a name for this set and I can't at
this time remember the specific term)  This is a set of screens mounted
in circular rings that fit on on top of each other.  Sand is poured in
the top ring and the assembly is shaken. Course grains stay on top and
the fines continue down to the smallest grain size.  As I remember,
having used one many years ago, there are seven maybe more screen sizes
and each are given a specific # pertaining to grain size.  

Steve Schoner

[meteorite-list] Canyon Diablo Spheroid Size

Dave Carothers
Sat, 28 Oct 2006 19:03:02 -0700

Good evening list members,

I have specimens of the famous Canyon Diablo spheroids with a copy of the
American Meteorite Laboratory label.  I don't have the capability to
the spheroids, but they are of the size that would qualify them as a
Speck".  The label specifies "Size 24".

I know that the spheroids were typically from 0.01mm to 2 mm in size.  Does
anyone know the scale Nininger used to produce the "Size 24"?



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