On Thu, 30 Nov 2006 19:30:01 -0500, you wrote:

>geologist) while weathering met-list critical group-think.  Congratulations, 

In defense of "critical group-think", the "critical group-thinkers" were saying
that it isn't a meteorite, proving that it isn't a meteorite would in no way
change the mind of the wackjob, and that Gary would be wasting his time if he
thought that the wackjob would acknowledge or accept the results.  Well, guess
what?  It isn't a meteorite, the wackjob's mind wasn't changed, and Gary wasted
his time if he thought the wackjob would acknowledge or accept the results.  So
the "crital group-thinkers" were 100% spot-on accurate.


BTW, only slightly less wacky:

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