I need to report that a shipment from the Munich show
has been lost/stolen. 
Jim Strope and I shipped via UPS Supply Chain
Solutions a large Muonionalusta weighing 174 kilograms
and a large Gibeon, highly sculptured, weighing 36
kilograms. It also contained some kilos of chondrites.
The shipment has been lost for a month. It seems to
have made it to Los Angeles via United Airlines, and
simply disappeared after that. We are told that it is
likely simply buried in the United Airlines bonded
cargo warehouse and may be found soon, but on the off
chance that this shipment was stolen, we must make
public the weights of the meteorites.
If anyone has been offered any meteorites of these
weights, please notify myself of Jim Strope as I will
be in Japan until Dec 19th. It seems that shipments of
this type have been stolen before. Let this be a
warning to anyone shipping material like this. It CAN
BE LOST/STOLEN even when weighing over 500 pounds!

Michael Farmer

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