I saw one in the aiming telescope on a larger telescope when I tried to 
find the horse head nebula in Orion.
I'm helping out some hours on the local observatory as a guide, they 
have a campaign to bring in the public while our first astronaut from 
Sweden is up in the space shuttle. Not every day you get payed for 
playing with big telescopes.   :-)

Other than that I've only seen a couple of Geminides so far, nothing 
spectacular yet but I haven't really tried so hard.
Intresting is that every one have been yellowish in color, I heard it 
came from the slow speed.

Göran, reporting from Northern Sweden.

metorman wrote:
> It is way too cloudy in tennessee to see any good stuff , i hope others have 
> a better view.Good luck
> Herman.
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