This will be your seventh, or eighth time at making amends, being good 
all over again.
May I suggest you get a tattoo of a large index finger pointed up, and a 
thumb pointing to the left put in living color on your forehead for all 
to see.

steve arnold wrote:

>Hello list.I sincerely want to apoligize to the met
>list and the IMCA for getting them involved in a
>really silly dispute.I was totally wrong concerning
>the validity of the sikote-alin that I had traded for
>with tomas jakubowski.He is a member in good standing
>with the IMCA,and because of my past deeds,I am not.I
>hope that there will be no hard feelings with tomas
>and myself.I just felt something was wrong,but like
>everything else,I did not go thru the correct
>channels.Next time I will not involve the metlist at
>all.I again am sincerely sorry.I really want to start
>making amends to all on the list that have had bad
>dealings with me.I again am truly sorry.There is a new
>year coming and I really want to start gaining the
>respect of people of whom I know and would like to
>know on this list.There are alot of great people on
>this list.Why I went south I will never know.I guess
>it was just my ignorance and the almighty dollar
>getting to me.I really want to start over,as they say
>and begin anew.I hope somewhere in peoples hearts I
>can be an allie and not a foe.Again sorry to tomas and
>all involved in this mes I created.Also a great way to
>go to jim strope for helping me in this mess.
>steve arnold,chicago,usa..
>Steve R.Arnold,chicago,Ill,Usa!!
>  Collecting Meteorites since 06/19/1999!!
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