Good Morning All,

like Ruben wrote, it is a little harder to find a meteorite than it looks.
I know of some people that have been to places with previous finds and they 
just had no luck.
Then I know some that have gone once to a known place and found three.
I have found my first meteorite of 2007 this last weekend and I have been to 
the area four times and this is my first find there.
Ruben, congratulations on your new finds!

With best regards,

>From: Ruben Garcia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] More California Meteorite finds!!
>Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2007 05:57:22 -0800 (PST)
>Hi Gary,
>Thanks for the email. It is a little harder to find a
>meteorite than it looks. I've had an incredible streak
>of luck lately. But you're welcome to tag along and
>try sometime.
>Ruben Garcia
>Phoenix, Arizona

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