Geologist claims defamation

Texan sues after MSU professor criticizes meteorite find in News-Leader guest

Melissa DeLoach 

A Texas geologist alleges a Missouri State geology professor libeled and defamed
him in a News-Leader guest column criticizing the October find of a 154-pound
Brenham meteorite fragment in a Kansas wheat field.
Philip C. Mani, along with Brenham Meteorite Co. Ltd., claim in a lawsuit filed
Monday in Greene County Circuit Court that Kevin Evans disparaged them and their
findings by referring to them as "meteorite hunters."

They claim Evans insinuated that the team of scientists — whose use of
ground-penetrating radar was touted for its potential in exploration of the
planet Mars — exaggerated and lacked sufficient information concerning their

Evans wrote in a Nov. 6 opinion piece, "Science loses when PR becomes top
priority," that the meteorite had in fact been discovered by a Springfield high
school student two weeks earlier working on a science fair project.

Said Evans: "When public institutions and government agencies partner with
commercial enterprises to hunt for meteorites and then publicize undocumented
claims, it short-circuits science methods and it sends the wrong message to
students. This concerns me both as a geologist and as a teacher of future

The plaintiffs allege Evans' statements are false and threaten to damage their
reputations and the value of the recovery. Further, it could jeopardize their
ability to conduct meteorite research and recovery in the future.

They are seeking unspecified damages.

Evans, when contacted Monday, declined to comment. He said he had not yet seen
the lawsuit.
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