Clouds to the west the last two nights.  I got some good sunset pics, but no 
comet :(


On 11 Jan 2007 at 15:13, MexicoDoug wrote:

> "Doug or anyone currently on line with position of the recent Comet, I'd
> appreciate a head's up to locate it OR is it that conspicuous in the SW
> twilight???"
> For you Yanks near Plymouth and Boston, you can see it weather/pollution
> permitting from 16:50 until it sets at 17:22.  Use the Sunset as a
> reference.  That's today EST Jan 11.
> At Your area: 16:36 the Sun sets at a 241 degree bearing (azimuth) clockwise
> from North (270 is due west, so it is SW like you said).  Good luck you have
> just a few minutes to get out and bag it.  The rest of the USA will have
> similar positions relative to the point and timing of Sunset, though the
> further deep down in Dixie you go the harder and harder and more compressed
> the timing is...
> Comet ("Turn Right at Sunset"):
> 244.5 degrees at Sunset (just 3.5 degrees to the right of Sunset point - a
> half 10x50 binocular field away).
> 247 degrees at 15 minutes after Sunset (6 degrees right of Sunset point).
> 249 degrees at 30 minutes after Sunset (8 degrees right of Sunset point).
> For Jerry comet altitude will be:
> After Sunset
> 30 minutes: 2 degrees
> 15 Min: 4.5 degrees
> 0 min: 7 degrees
> Good Luck, go for it, I might let you know how it went for me later, but
> have had some sad heath issues lately to deal with (not my own).  The
> summary for my observing is "Changes in Attitudes, Changes in Latitudes"
> like the Jimmy Buffett song says.
> Best wishes for the Comet,
> Doug
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