
Most of us will by now have read and seen Greg's AD re: NWA 4587.
If you are looking for a thorough and in-depth description of this unique
meteorite that had at first been classified as a highly metamorphosed,
unbrecciated eucrite similar to the vesicular Ibitira and was then found
to be similar to the CR clan (!) - by the way, visually it resembles the
sugary-textured Agoult - then I would recommend you go to David's
excellent website:


.. go to UNGROUPED ACHONDRITES and then click on: NWA 011 where you
will find a wealth of information on this NWA achondrite beauty!

Pardon? Oh, you would like to know if I have purchased some of this unique
material? Yes, I must proudly admit. I have. Here is the item number of my
beautiful, little partslice just in case you care ;-)

Item number: 180075858766

Best achondritic wishes,


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