Since we're on the subject, I thought I would share this with you. 

I wrote this poem after taking a "Geology and Space Science" course two
years ago from Dr. Mike Reynolds.



"Ode to Dr. Mike and His Space Cadets" Wildacres, 2005

              By Anita D. Westlake


I must confess I didn't know

Binoculars were fun

We talked about them that first class

Until the day was done.


The second day was telescopes

The big, the bad, the "Go-To's"

It's amazing what I didn't know

That just goes to show you!


Next we played with our planispheres

And it's here that I must lament,

I looked in the sky both day and night

And never found the grommet.


The things we saw that first clear night

The Moon! Jupiter! Saturn!

The oohs and ahhs that issued forth

Were to become a pattern.


The moon was full and shining bright

And Saturn wore its rings

But Jupiter's four trailing moons

Was the most amazing thing!


And then we learned of meteorites

Those visitors from space

Dr. Mike says "Keep Looking Up!"

They'll land right on your face!


Ataxites, Achrondrites

Who knew there were such words?

There's one called "Camel Donga"

That sounds just like a.......bird


We learned what makes stars twinkle

It's written down in song

But you haven't lived until you've learned

A meteorite from wrong.


How could I live this long on Earth

Not seeing the stars so boundless?

I've always looked down at the ground

In my life as a Rockhoundress.


So now I'm really troubled

With this new love that I've found

When I leave the comfort of my home

Should I look up or down?









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