You get a resale number (FREE and easily obtained from
your local state - tell them you occasionally sell on eBay
and want to be sure to pay state tax when someone buys
in your state, the same with swap meets and from your
web page). In San Diego, it takes about 10 minutes.
        This allows you to buy WITHOUT paying tax
at the Tucson Show (and will even get you into some
places you can not otherwise go.
        You do it BEFORE the Tucson show so you don't
pay ridiculous AZ and Tucson sales taxes.

on 1/24/07 3:36 AM, tett at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Me too.  8 out of 10.
> And...
> -You hide emails form your wife which detail meteorite purchases and
> payments.
> -Your ebay watch list exceeds 50
> Cheers!
> tett
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Gary K. Foote" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "meteorite List" <>
> Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 6:14 AM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] new thread - how to tell if you are stepping
> up
>> 8 out of 10 isn't bad.  I must be reaching for the stars - errr...
>> meteors.
>> Gary
>> On 24 Jan 2007 at 20:57, Bob WALKER wrote:
>>> Listoids
>>> ah yes the slippery slope
>>> dummies guide to tell if you are stepping up from being a basic collector
>>> and probably are spending too much time and money...
>>> (1) you buy a loupe
>>> (2) you finally track down (and buy) a scale cube
>>> (3) you realise you need to upgrade your digital camera skills
>>> (4) you buy an illuminated binocular magnifier
>>> (5) you get into thin slides
>>> (6) you consider buying cross polarised light equipment
>>> (7) you spend more time at the petrology lab - hmmm - holidays next year
>>> (8) you bash out a website
>>> (9) you discover the joys of spam and nutter email
>>> (10) you start to tell stevo jokes
>>> rightyho - must be more signs and symptoms
>>> Hola - oops thats supposed to go at the top but I always wanted to type
>>> that
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salary depends on him not understanding it.
  - Upton Sinclair 
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It is what we know for sure that just ain't so.
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