
I just posted a page on our website with pics of some
of our Tucson acquisitions that will be of interest to
some of you. Its biased towards tektites, but includes
some NWAs and a Sikhote.  Be sure to check out the
little shatter cone we found in a box of NWAs.

There's a bit of verbiage regarding the supply-side
status and pricing included.  

There are some very noticeable changes this year. 
Libyan Desert glass and Besednice moldavites were in
short supply and mostly inferior quality.  I saw two
Aussie flanged buttons at an asking price of $2300 or
$2500 each.  No Billitons, Malaysians, Borneos, Ivory
Coasts, Javans, Tibetans, Georgians, or Bediasites
that I saw.  Only a handful of Rizalites.  One dealer
had a couple of little Wabars and Irghizites. I saw
one small lot each of Aouelloul, Darwin, and
Monturaqui.  Still good supplies of Indochinites.

With the Moroccans, unclassified NWA stoneys were in
greatly diminished abundance and general quality.  I
turned down one lot at $25/kg, and if they had been
free I would've picked out one or two bits and left
the rest!  There was still some good stuff though(see
pictures).  One guy had three big stoneys over 25
kilos each.

There were about half as many Sikhotes as last year,
and bullets are now individually specimen priced. 
Last year I bought them by weight.

I'll leave commentary regarding the fancier meteorites
for those who know them better.


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