Hi All,
I had a great time in Tucson this year. The Gem and
Mineral show seems to get bigger every year. 

I finally made it down to see Bob Haag at the Westin
La Paloma. He was his typical self, and was just as
fun to talk and joke with as usual. I walked into the
room to find Jim Kriegh, Twink Monrad, Sonny and
Georgia Clary already there. Matt Morgan and his
father came strolling in soon after.  

Jim, Bob Haag, Matt

Jim, Ruben, Bob Haag

Mike Farmers room was amazing, and was better than
ever before. I tried to stay and chat awhile but the
room was always so packed with fans and collectors
alike that it was difficult. 

Marvin and Kitty’s room was very similar to Bob Haag’s
and Mike Farmer’s rooms. There were a lot of
“meteorite notables” there too. It was in Marvins room
that I finally met Rob Matson, and crew who had just
arrived from California. I believe it was Moni’s first
time at the Show. 

I made it to Anne Black’s room and was very impressed!
Along with Anne were McCartny, Geoff  and Steve Arnold
all of which mingled  and talked with everyone.

Geoff and Steve’s party was wild!
It was literally standing room only on Friday night
for the “Big Event”. While Mr. Taylor was doing his
magic act many waited outside unable to enter due to
the venue being full to capacity. As an Armature
magician myself I can tell you that he was very good! 

Steve Arnold came dressed as himself (Indiana Jones)
complete with hat and whip. The first words out of my
mouth when I first saw him were, “well, if you’re not
who is?” Geoff looked great too! He reminded me of a
Movie/Rock Star with black jacket, white tie and newly
died hair. 

The evening started off with socializing and then at
about 9:00 after a short break it was Harvey Award
time. The first award went to Becky Worley of Travel
Channel Fame.

Sonny Clary and I were pleased to accept the award on
her behalf. Unfortunately, it turned comedic when we
were asked to recite our lines from the Cash and
Treasures episode. After I (with proper motivation)
recited my 7 seconds of dialog Sonny hid behind me as
if to say that’s what he did on TV.  But, it was all
in fun and we all laughed.

Steve Arnold, Geoff Notkin, Myself and Sonny Clary

Sonny Hides

I left soon after as I had planned to drive back to
Phoenix and missed many Harvey Award winners. But I
did want to say Congratulations to all The Harvey
winners including Marvin and Kitty Kilgore who won for
Lifetime Achievement. 

Oh Ya, Thanks to Keith Vasquez who does a great job
every year with the pictures! I know you took
hundreds, lets see some more Keith.


Ruben Garcia
Phoenix, Arizona

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