What terrible news.  Just saw it today.

When I was in the hospital Walter sent me a get well e-mail, along with
many, many others on this list.

We must pray for his recovery, and for the strength of all those that
are caring for him.

Send him e-mails to the hospital where he is.

Those e-mails are an inspiration for one to recover.  I know, I was
there at edge of life.

Recover, Walter...

Steve Schoner
IMCA 4470

P.S.  Could someone post on the list the e-mail of the hospital that he
is at so that we can wish him the best.  To get those e-mails are a

[meteorite-list] Walter Branch

Walter Branch
Fri, 02 Feb 2007 04:00:14 -0800


I am Walter Branch's wife, Sabrina.  On Friday, Walter and our daughter
in an accident.  Walter is in critical condition in Trauma ICU.  He has 
numerous internal injuries including 5 broken ribs, a punctured lung, a 
bruised lung, a ruptured diaphragm (repaired Friday night), his kidneys
not functioning as they should, his spleen was removed, and he had a 
compound fracture of the right femur.

He is under heavy sedation due to agitation, but when they back off the 
sedation, he is alert and in a great deal of pain.  He is on minimum life 
support at the moment.

When I saw him yesterday, I asked him if I should let all of you know
and he 
nodded yes.  Please keep us in your prayers.  Our daughter is home from
hospital with a concussion, whip lash, and a fractured pelvis.

If Walter had an on-going transaction with you, please be patient.  As
as he is able to tell me what to do, I will try to do what I can.

Sabrina Branch

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