Obviously, a lack of staff results in less than optimum customer service. 
Perhaps spending an extra $100- to hire someone to check out bidders who 
want to leave would have a positive impact on the auction results as a 
whole.  I personally know of at least two collectors who refused to attend 
an auction because of lack of customer service.  I also personally know of 
one collector who left without paying because he got tired of waiting.

Hopefully, next year will be a more pleasant experience.

Jim Strope
421 Fourth Street
Glen Dale, WV  26038


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Moni Waiblinger-Seabridge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2007 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] AUCTION RESULTS - Blood and Lang

> Hi Jim and All,
> I also go to an auction and it is the same as you describe.
> I think if you have to wait until all the auction is done, it is simply 
> because there isn't enough staff.
> At the auction I attend, there is two auctioneers that take turns and then 
> about three people helping with showing, putting the items on the back 
> table and as you wrote, getting the items and handing them to the winner 
> after his purchase.
> > With best regards,
> Moni
>>From: "Jim Strope" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
>>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] AUCTION RESULTS - Blood and Lang
>>Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2007 10:52:15 -0500
>>While I agree with you in principle for big professional auction houses, 
>>need to attend an auction in Denver or Tucson before reserving judgement.
>>Some of them are very informal and not like a normal auction situation.
>>In at least one auction that I attended, the procecure is unlike a normal
>>auction in such a way that tends to depresses the prices in my opinion.
>>For example, in a normal auction if I buy item number 10 out of 200 items
>>offered and
>>want to go home, then I just check out, pay and go home.  At at least one
>>Tucson auction that I attended,
>>I would have to wait until the end of the auction to pay and then pay in
>>bidder number order.  So instead of going home at 8:00 when I am done 
>>I have to wait until until all bidding on all items is completed before I
>>can go home which could be well after midnight.  This makes it so that
>>people don't tend to bid unless they REALLY, REALLY want the item.  So
>>prices are certainly
>>not representative to prices much may have been realized in one of the big
>>auction houses.
>>Just my two cents...........
>>Jim Strope
>>421 Fourth Street
>>Glen Dale, WV  26038
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