Hello Sabrina,

It's good to hear that Walter is making progress in his recovery.
I'm happy to read that Rebekah is now out of harms way, that's very good
news and let just hope that Walter will recover from all this very very

Gaetan Cormier
Member of the Impact Field Studies Group

2007/2/7, Walter Branch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hello Everyone,

First, let me thank you for all of the e-mails.  I have been printing them
out so that Walter can see them when he is better.  I just returned from
hospital.  Walter had a tracheotomy today.  He is still on the ventilator
he will not be able to talk but at least he will be able to form words
better so maybe I can understand him easier.  His kidney functioning is
a tad better than yesterday. For those of you who know the terms, his
creatnine level went from 3.5 to 2.9.  We want it to be 1.5 or lower.  The
chest tube was removed yesterday and the cervical collar was removed this
morning.  He is able to move better now.  He is still very sedated due to
agitation and pain.  On Monday, I did get to talk to him and he could nod
"yes" and "no".  I told him that I was e-mailing all of you and he nodded
that he understood.  As he gets better I am sure he will tell me or
what I should tell you but for now I just wanted him to know how many
are thinking and praying for him.

Rebekah went to the pediatrician yesterday and got a clean bill of health.
She goes to the orthopedic surgeon tomorrow to check the pelvic fracture.
She is moving around so well she tires herself out before she realizes.

Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers.  I know that is
what is making the difference in Walter's still being alive and in his

Thank you for all that you have done!
Sabrina Branch

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