on 2/8/07 6:45 PM, doctor death at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> A few years ago I suggested to Michael Blood that a collector/dealer buying
> a piece for resell may not want his buy price to become public knowledge.
> And that some people come to auctions just to watch prices.  He liked my
> reasoning and withdrew posting that year and since, My bad.
> Howard Wu
Hi Howard,
        That is why I am interested in hearing from All DEALERS, not just
the ones that have rooms at the show. If I buy a beautiful house on several
acres of property with a view of the ocean and pay $80,000 for it, that does
not mean I shouldn't resell it for 3.8 million dollars. What someone pays is
in no way related to the price at which they sell (unless that purchase
price is available to them on an ongoing basis).
        I still have only heard from a couple of dealers. If I do not hear
from many, I will not be changing my policy on posting prices.
        Best wishes, Michael

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