Hi List:
  I love meteorwrong stories.  
  As the director of the planetarium in Little Rock, Arkansas - I've seen my 
share of "wrongs."  I've had approximately 10 submissions - and one I was sure 
was a pretty little iron.  I offered to send it for testing, but the young man 
didn't want to - he said he was going to keep it either way because he liked 
it, and if it wasn't he didn't want to know.  
  I had an older couple that called and said they had a meteorite that weighed 
about 20 pounds.  In about 30 minutes - they arrived with a nice sized flat 
rock, that had been spray painted silver (complete with paint drips down the 
sides).  Trying to be tactful - I told them it didn't have any of the "usual" 
characteristics, however, if they wanted, I would be glad to consult a local 
meteorite expert (Robert Woolard), as well as a geologist at the University.  
They insisted that they didn't have time for all that "fal-de-rall" - but, they 
would let me have it for $500, but only if I gave them cash.  I declined.
  But, my favorite story comes out of Louisiana.  Two men contacted a local 
planetarium and said they found a meteorite.  The director asked them a few 
questions, and from their description it really didn't sound like a meteorite.  
Still the men insisted they were positive.  Finally, the planetarium director 
had to ask - "What makes you so sure it is a meteorite?"
  "Because when we stick our tongues to it - and it tingles."  The planetarium 
director choked back the giggles and invited them to bring it in - he had to 
see what it was.
  They arrived some time later - with what appeared to be hardened poop.  The 
director's best guess was deer or dog.  The men looked a bit "green around the 
gills" when they left.  The director kept the poop on his desk for years as his 
favorite example of a meteorwrong.
  Pamela Shireman, Director
  EpiSphere Digital Planetarium
  3301 East Roosevelt Road
  Little Rock, Arkansas  72206
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