Hi All,
I wanna congratulate both Maria and Larry once again
on their recent meteorite finds. They came to the
Southwest and did an amazing job, finding meteorites
at Holbrook, Franconia and Gold Basin.

I wanna say thanks also for sharing coordinates to the
huge Holbrook find. 

After talking to them I thought that they had been in
a "new" area and possibly expanded the known strewn
field area. However, upon arriving at the coordinates
on Saturday I was disappointed. I had been within 50
feet of Larry's find many, many times and driven by it
many more. 

I hunted all day Saturday for more large meteorites,
knowing I'd find a monster or go home empty. I went
home empty!

I did meet Mexico Doug out there while wandering
around with a magnetic cane. I believe between him and
my friend Earl they pulled another 20 or so grams out
of Larry's honey hole.

Thanks again Larry and Maria. If you guys lived out
here you'd kick all our butts!


Ruben Garcia
Phoenix, Arizona

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