
In the current Earthweek by Steve Newman, he mentions a "meteor death" 
in India (an event we have discussed here). This being an educational 
feature for children, I decided to contact the author and have pointed 
out the dynamics of a meteor fall and why it can't cause a death on the 
ground. I realize this is nit picky but this is a syndicated publication 
which reaches many people both kids and adults so I would like to see 
them use the correct terminology being an educational feature.

Back when the list here started he had some wrong concepts regarding 
meteorites and I contacted him and he was nice enough to acknowledge 
them. However he didn't take notes and publicized incorrect information 
a few months after my contacting him about the very incorrect 
information he had before. It is my hope, if he mentions this again he 
will make the necessary changes for his readers and we won't have to do 
so much correcting in the future.

We all make mistakes and appreciate it when constructive advise is 
given. I know I do and hope to see more "meteorite" information in his 
column. Best!

--AL Mitterling
Meteorite-list mailing list

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