Hi All again,

I am so under the weather with another relapse of a very bad cold!
Anyway, thank you for all your input.
I still wonder if Larry's might be related to Bob Haag's meteorite, Adamana.


Didn't he mention that it looks very different from an ordinary Holbrook meteorites with lots of chondrules and being exposed after many years.
Is this what the Adamana looks like?
Lots of chondrules?
But guess even if Larry has his classified, we will never know if it is paired with Bob's, right! ;-)

Back to the couch,

CC: Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Larry's Holbrook Holy Grail Find and Bob Haag's Venus Stone
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2007 12:47:33 -0700

Hehehe....Johnny B should know better than to listen to me.   ;-)   That
story was conveyed to me by a person who lived in Adamana a few years
ago.  He has since passed away.  Also, it's the "Goodwater" area instead
of Goodman.  Anyway, this gentleman told me that they used some of the
"old" railroad base as fill for their corral.  I really don't think this
is the case now as that would be all cinders and the owners tell me

Bob Haag told me that the Adamana stone is an L6 and much older than the
Holbrook fall.  But if it was in a horse corral with horses, seems as if
that would age a meteorite quite differently?
Still all just speculation for now.
Dave (who removed the SPAM from the subject line  ;-)

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