Greetings all,
        Proud Tom has peeked his pointy little head out
finally at least far enough to request he be placed on
the Meteorite Friends Page (provided proper titles were
accorded him). A saw his title request as entirely
appropriate, since they so fit his function in the meteorite
        So, joining the Meteorite Friends Page today are
Morten Bilet, Jürgen Nauber and our own Proud Tom!
        They can be seen with the rest of us at:

        PS: I note with disappointment some posters to the list
(and other meteorite friends of mine) still have failed to come
up with a photo for the page. Come on you guys, just how hard
IS it these days to get someone to take a digital photo of you.
Hell, most people have the function on their stinking phone!
Let's get with it. Be there or be square!
        Best wishes,  Michael


You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice
because thorns have roses.
            - Ziggy - in a comic strip by Tom Wilson


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