I purchased a 4.0g part slice of NWA 4679 from Carsten Giessler a couple
of weeks ago and would appreciate any comments on this unusual looking

The piece I bought is visible at the bottom of this page:


The feature I'm referring to is at the top left corner of the piece in
Carsten's image.

I've tried to get a close up, apologies for the quality (I held a 20x
loope over my camera lens!):


The larger chondrule is about 2mm diameter. The smaller one has a pale
(bleached?) outer layer and is darker inside. The small chondrule has an
appearence suggesting is has melted and flowed around the outside of the
larger chondrule. The darker central region is distorted into a
tear-drop shape.

I've seem plenty of distorted and misshaped chondrules before, but
nothing quite like this. My knowledge and experience is very limited in
comparison to many on this list, is there an explanation for the
formation of a structure like this? Any comments would be welcome.

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