So how do you calssify Pauls railing on me in the past?  I offer free stuff and 
Paul insists I use AD as a prelude to my posts.  Does this seem balanced to 
anyone else?  Paul has been threatened by my site since it went online.  It has 
shown in his attacks on it and on me many times over since then.  This bowing 
to Paul has me sick.

Paid my dues?  Pffftttt....  whatever happened to embracing new people's 
in meteorics.  You sound like a blues musician.  Read me sute.  I ask you to 
one page where I am not giving back to the met community.


> Gary,
> I think that if you had "paid your dues" to the meteorite community, 
> like Jim and Paul have, no one would have acted out against 
> you.  Both of these men are as good as you will ever find anywhere 
> and I'm offended by your attitude and insinuation.  If you want to 
> endear yourself to the Meteorite List why don't you take some of the 
> bad guys to task.  Railing on Jim and Paul will only get you grief.
> John
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