Greetings all,

I am thinking of introducing a product to help keep meteorites dry. I'll 
go into more details when I have the product ready for shipping.

I was wanting input from collectors about using some blue crystals (with 
chloride) with white crystals. The idea is to know when to charge or dry 
your desiccant. While it might seem a bad idea to use the blue crystals, 
it has been my experience that they won't cause problems as long as they 
don't come into direct contact with meteorites. I know of several large 
collections that use this method and I myself have used it with no ill 
effect. However collectors have the last say by buying a product or not 
buying a product so your input is important.

There are other types of colors that can be used but I wanted to stay 
away from those for fear of introducing something into the meteorites 
that could cause problems. Using those other colors would require input 
from scientists to verify that no harm would be transmitted or absorbed 
into specimens. The blue white crystals don't seem to be a problem from 
my understanding.

Perhaps when I am ready, some collectors would like to test the product 
out for me.

Your turn.

--AL Mitterling
Meteorite-list mailing list

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