"I was thinking about this today and I have not had time to research it."

Hello Steve,

I hope you can do some research sometime, Steve.  As "H" and "L" are thought
to be two unique and real parent bodies, your question can be stated

"Were there any places on the H parent body or the L parent body that did
not experience the thermally-induced alteration characteristic of
unequilibrated chondrites "3", and if so, did any residue from them reach
earth and drop meteorites?"

I think the answer is "no".  Harry McSween explains that on these parent
bodies, especially with reference to the onion-skin model of asteroids, the
incubation caused by radioactive disintegration warmed the whole of the
parent body uniformly enough to cook all of our H- and L-chondrites enough
according to 'current' understanding.  But that doesn't mean chance could
have thermally isolated or provided a shady heat sink somewhere on the
surface where the legendary H2 or L2 could have been protected from its
mother planetoid.

Carbonaceous chondrites meteorites show "2" and essentially "1" not because
they were heated, but rather because of their setting of primordial
material, like celestial cementing that formed them, altered them to varying
degrees with water, but not the heat on the H- and L- assumed to be larger
parent bodies.

Note since there are just two parent bodies here, it is easy to write off
the possibility of H2 and L2 just by saying, these bodies were simply too
warm for this to occur.  If you calculate an asteroid diameter to explain
the H3-6 distributions we know, for example, you can say how big the parent
body was, and once you say how big it was, you can argue by its thermal
properties how it all got warm and sufficiently metamorphic.

But this is all still conjecture.  The University of Chicago is always in
need of a few good men!!  Go Steve!!

Best Wishes and Best Health,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "steve arnold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 5:57 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] H2 or L2 CLASS METEORITES

> Hi list.I was thinking about this today and I have not
> had time to research it.Are there any H2 or L2 class
> meteorites that have been classified?This is a real
> must thread for me.Any help would be welcome.
> steve arnold,chicago
> Steve R.Arnold,chicago,Ill,Usa!!
>   Collecting Meteorites since 06/19/1999!!
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