You mean like the response I got when I tried to discuss the Hambleton

not a word (or barely) or perhaps it's because we care more about uninformed
people being ripped off, than making money out of collectors by other

Talk about pot calling kettle black.


-------Original Message-------
From: Michael Farmer
Date: 04/11/07 04:41:33
To: Dave Harris;
Subject: This list needs serious help.
Do you all know what I have noticed over the last few
year? That the majority of people on this list seem to
care much less about real meteorites than they do
about fakes! This thread is a perfect example which
makes me sick. Many of us (Robert Haag is not on this
like for this very reason) have been discussing the
simple fact that now days, when a new meteorite falls,
or is found, there tends to be crickets chirping after
it is announced.
For example, last Friday I announced and showed the
first photos of a new pallasite, one of ~55 known, a
pretty interesting and in the world of meteorites, a
big thing. There were few comments about it. Even
though I asked a question hoping to start some good
discourse and get some information from this list, all
I got was Matteo's usual tirade of complaints.
Virtually no-one cared about a beautiful new
Now, today we have another nut job out there, who does
not want to hear the truth, and half the people on the
list see fit to discuss his fake meteorites. My point,
many people on this list do not care about real
meteorites, they want to fight/argue/complain/debunk/
and otherwise mess with non-issues rather than comment
on actual meteorites.
Who cares if some guy refuses to accept the truth that
his rocks are just that, rocks? Yet this list goes
berserk over such a boring issue.
Why is this?
Michael Farmer
--- Dave Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank you for your offer of material.
> If you had any real involvement in true meteorites
> you would know that there
> are a variety of technical protocols they have to
> undergo for formal
> identification and cataloging - a process that takes
> a couple of years
> sometimes.
> We are quite happy in the knowledge that this
> material is not meteoritic,
> they have not been submitted to the correct
> institutions for analysis, nor
> have they been published in any of the recognised
> papers.
> The anecdotes you relay regarding recoveries are
> totally at odds with
> hundreds of years of falls and finds and I can
> assure you that mineral
> phases that you describe occur on Earth too. But you
> do not find silica!
> There is more to meteorites than isotopic analysis,
> what about presolar
> gases, nanodiamonds, kerogens, shock glasses, IMBs
> and so on.
> I am concerned that you have been mis-selling your
> material and I would like
> a complete list of all of the individuals you have
> been using for analysis
> and also the institutions to whom you have been
> selling it to.
> Your tests prove nothing - anyone can crib data and
> attribute it to their
> piece of rock. Have you sent any material to Dr Jeff
> Grossman, Dr, Monica
> Grady, Dr. Sara Russell?
> As much as I'd like to continue this discussion, I
> am afraid that I can see
> that, like everyone I have received "meteorites"
> from, and have had them
> resolved as terrestrial material, just do not like
> to believe their rocks
> are "ordinary". I guess it's human nature.
> Electron microprobes, XRD and XRF will tell you
> nothing if you do not
> compare it with the real thing, Mag Sus is not an
> important aspect of
> meteorites as their flux density is often changed by
> terrestrial influences.
> Do as you wish, but being a "registered dealer in
> Meteorites" means
> absolutely nothing - but of course, if you have been
> selling material that
> latterly turns out to be fake, then you are
> responsible for making good.
> I wish you luck in your endeavours and thank you for
> your time to reply.
> Dave Harris
> -------Original Message-------
> Date: 04/10/07 19:48:30
> Subject: Re: Your meteorite site
> I have to inform you that all of your "meteorites"
> are definitely fake. You
> show a page from 1728.pdf. I have this paper - your
> fancy chart is NOT in it
> - hence you are misrepresenting the material you are
> selling.
> Hi Dave, The 1728 pdf chart is used to show how
> exhibit 2 Mars meteorite
> plots on John Brandenburgs oxygen isotope chart for
> CI / Mars plots, and
> exhibit 2 Mars plots as a Mars meteorite, and all
> the test results offer
> this proof as well.
> I have to inform you that all of your "meteorites"
> are definitely fake
> The Oxygen Isotopes, Electron Microprobe, SM-30
> Magnetic Susceptibility, XRF
>  and XRD prove our meteorites , you having
> experience in the meteoritic
> field should know this ?
> Far too many of the minerals you mention do NOT
> occur in meteorites (ie
> quartz).  There are so many aspects incorrect with
> your claims that I cannot
> begin to start to list them
> All of the Mineral phases done by XRD on our
> meteorite samples have been
> found in meteorites, again You  should know this,
> there are plenty of
> internet web pages to teach you about mineral phases
> found in meteorites.
> Please take this advice from someone who has MANY
> years of experience
> dealing with meteorites.  I would respectfully
> request that you edit or
> remove your claims
> Starchasers Meteorites will not edit or remove our
> claims, our meteorites in
> our collection have had the proper tests done to
> prove they are meteorites,
> and the witnessed falls are true and correct. I
> would be happy to dispute
> with you our claims, and offer you the paperwork
> done from the science labs
> that offer satisfaction evidence to make you
> believe. We have donated many
> meteorite sample pieces from our collection to
> Science labs, Space
> institutes,and Universities. A meteorite can only be
> fully classified, and
> curated with the proper tests completed, and our
> meteorites that have been
> classified on our web site have had all the needed
> tests to confirm them as
> being from the Moon, or Mars.
> I would happy to help you, and I will be sharing
> your response with other
> experts to ensure that you are not misinformed
> Dave Harris
> IMCA #0092
> Sec.BIMS
>   Starchasers Meteorites is a registered meteorite
> dealer in the State of
> ILLinois, and we have a Federal Tax ID #.
>  Starchasers Meteorites does not need help with
> confirming a meteorite, When
> the proper tests are completed meteorites are
> identified. If you would like
> pieces of meteorites in our collection for your own
> study to show you proof
> let me know , I will send you some free of charge.
> As allways We guarrantee
> the Authenticity of all meteorites we sell 100%
> guarrantee ! Happy Meteorite
> Hunting, Mitchell R. Minor
> Starchasers Meteorites
> Mitchell R. Minor
> office(815)740-3834
> fax (815)740-4071
> cell (815)545-5803
> See what's free at
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> Meteorite-list mailing list

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