..  and I am glad I did not "jump on the lower opening price" so that the
piece that was my "perfect size" has not been "lost to another bidder!"

I received mine (1.024 grams) today. It sports patches of shiny, glossy fusion
crust today and it is a pleasure to hold and a feast for the eyes to behold!

Will have to wait for the weekend before I find some time to read the Lunar
and Planetary abstract on NWA 4590 and look at this little gem under my
stereo microscope. Wish I had a thin section of this gorgeous plutonic angrite.

The mottled appearance of the NWA 4590 crystals in cross-polarized light 
that of the NWA 3151 brachinite but the crystals are substantially larger in 
this *plutonic*
angrite and there is much more plagioclase (almost pure anorthite):


Best wishes,


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