Stan, why bring me into this? I never told you Habibi
or Aaronson were "screwing you"? When might I have
told you this?  What I do know, is that when you take
something in October, and refuse to pay until May, and
refuse to answer phone calls, or emails, then you are
not paying for the item, and refusal to pay for what
you buy means theft.
I will be pleased when you pay for the slice, that
will take care of some unfinished business, which
allows me to take care of my own bills.
Michael Farmer
But to blame me for your own lack of respect for
others, that is pitiful.

ok i PROMISE this will be my last post on the subject.

"you have been bilked out of hundreds of thousands of $ by the morrocians, I would think that you could at least pay me"

That was the voice mail you left me about the slice not too long after tucson.

If you know what kind of deals I'm getting and that i'm getting porked in them then you would darn well know that the ONLY moroccains I buy from Aziz Habbibi and Adan Aaronson. Period. Two guys who I had considered my best sources till you said what you did.

Since that time I have hurd all sorts of conflicting BS back and forth. If you werent serious about what you said then you shouldnt have said it - because I took the statement to be true when I listened to it.


Now you can see troubleĀ…before he arrives

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