Hello Michael,

The Meteorite Collectors Price Guide, by David Weir, to which you refer in your recent Meteorite Times article (just after Kevin's contribution), was compiled by me for about 5 years, up until January 2001, the beginning of the new millennium, when I quit revising it. At that time I allowed Doug (Meteorite Express) to work on it at his pleasure and I removed its link from my website. He continued to update it (mostly the date) in a very minor way. You're correct, it's quite obsolete. At the time I quit revising it, the NWA boom had led to widely varying, "abnormal" market conditions, almost impossible to adequately monitor, and the price range listed had grown so wide that no meaningful information could be derived from it any longer.

My interest in recording prices was for my collection goals just as it was for Kevin and probably Thomas and others, but this was at a time when the number of dealers could be counted on both hands and ANY meteorite offered for sale was a great occasion. A large percentage of meteorite types were unavailable or unknown. Conversely, at the present time every collector is a dealer (primary, secondary, tertiary, etc.), ebay lists dozens of pages of meteorites of every variety for auction, Google searches are magical, and lunar and martian stones, along with samples from the very rarest of groups, are relatively easy to acquire. My "Availability Code" -- 1) Good Luck!, 2) Here, There, 3) Everywhere -- would now be all 2's and 3's.

I doubt if any price guide is able to provide a realistic and timely picture of the current market price ranges; in fact, I was often told this about my own price guide, which was modeled after Philip Bagnall's efforts in his informative book, by some dealers (by yourself too as I recall, and I even included a median price). I felt my efforts were still worthwhile at the time, and it provided me with the information I needed to have -- the difference between a good price and a bad price -- at my fingertips.

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