Good Morning All and Steve,

Just wondering,
Zelimir writes that he already has the classification for this meteorite.
Maybe that shows that this one might not be the same meteorite.
If Dean found several in a box of goodies, then it could be possible yours is not the same as Zelimir's.
Guess you will never be 100% sure unless you have it classified too.

With best regards,

From: steve arnold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [meteorite-list] nwa 1685
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 06:53:11 -0700 (PDT)

Good morning list.As much as I love this meteorite,I
can hardly wait to see the classification.I have a few
of these beauty's,but I just received the biggest
piece of nwa 1685 I have ever owned.A 339 gram
complete,unbroken uncut stone.I owe simon deboer a
great debt for making this trade.It is a thing of
beauty.And for all of you who these pieces,whether
complete stone,slice or fragment,hold on to
them.Because I believe what I have been told,the class
will be really special.Of all the nwa's I have ever
had or seen,this is the most beautiful.My oh my,were
we not lucky the day dean found these in his box of
goodies?Good day to all.

steve arnold,chicago

Steve R.Arnold,chicago,Ill,Usa!!
  Collecting Meteorites since 06/19/1999!!
  in Gao Meteorites!
  Ebay I.D. Illinoismeteorites


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