>> ...if you kick the tiger in the balls, you had
> better plan to deal with it's teeth!
> Michael Farmer

Tiger Mike! 

It has a ring to it!

(the name, not the balls ;] )

> Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2007 16:10:03 -0700
> To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Subject: [meteorite-list] New email from Gregory, total change of tone.
> Ok, now Randall, or the "Doctor" claims that the money
> extracted from me was for police "expenses"/
> I guess they forgot to collect them from us on the way
> to the crater, they decided to do it in plain-clothes
> at 9 pm and 5 am, demanding hundreds of $$$ each.
> Um, yeah, okkkkkkkkkk.
> It seems that my discussions with the local press and
> the landowner are hitting home now.
> Note the change in tone in this email?
> Randall, I think the local government will be coming
> for your meteorite piece, you admitteed yourself that
> you bought 4 kilos from Major Anaya, the press are
> eating that up and I think you had better prepare for
> the knock on your door at 5 am.
> Randall, if you kick the tiger in the balls, you had
> better plan to deal with it's teeth!
> Michael Farmer
> --- Randall Gregory  wrote:
>> Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2007 14:20:30 -0700 (PDT)
>> From: Randall Gregory 
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Carancas (whoops) Lake
>> Titicaca meteorite fall
>> To: Michael Farmer 
>> Mike,
>> I didn't know you spoke Spanish. Que Tal? It's
>> quite possible you misunderstood what transpired.
>> You paid the police a service fee for driving you
>> out to the site in their 2 trucks. Gasoline is very
>> expensive there. Four dollars $4 a gallon if I
>> recall. Additionally, they provided you with round
>> the clock protection on their own time to protect
>> you from would be bandits. They woke you up because
>> they heard reports that some Bolivians got wind
>> there was a millionare "Gringo" staying in
>> Desaguadero. Remember how close to the border you
>> were? You were less than 1/2 mile. They could have
>> taken you though the truck route at the other bridge
>> where it's very dark and trucks pass with little or
>> no inspection of the contents.
>> This area is the land of the Quechua and they
>> speak a mixture of Spanish and native language. My
>> wife kids me because I speak Spanglish. It is the
>> center for Peruvian Folklore and the language is
>> preserved. Try to recall what they said exactly to
>> you and since you were a Language major in college,
>> I would recommend getting the book Compendio de
>> Gramatica y Vocabulario Quechua - Aymara by
>> Villamor, German. I believe it's $18. Then see if
>> anything they said might have been a
>> misinterpretation. Look deep and I think you'll find
>> your answer. ;)
>> Mike, I believe this event was a gift from God.
>> Randall
>> P.S. Please change the name from Carancas to Lake
>> Titicaca. We can share with the Bolivian people,
>> they're all Quechua - Aymara.
>> Michael Farmer  wrote:
>> I had three people in my party, so how they
>> reported 5
>> Americans is beyond me. It shows the lack in
>> information that they use in Peru to print the news.
>> I have been on the phone for hours with the press in
>> Peru, and the embassy, and I have a funny feeling
>> that
>> this will get much nastier now, that I have
>> denounced
>> the police and Randall and forwarded his emails to
>> the
>> press in Peru!
>> This should be fun, especially the report of Randall
>> that he bought a 4 kilo stone from the chief of
>> police, the same one who came to arrest me for
>> "trafficking" meteorites. I guess his own sales were
>> ok, but not my purchases from him:)
>> I think the police in that town are about to be in a
>> little trouble, as the Peruvian press is loving to
>> hear my side of the story, with emails to prove it!
>> I speak fluent Spanish, I guess Randall did not know
>> this. Too bad for him.
>> Michael Farmer
>> By the way, I did not pay bribes, I paid EXTORTION
>> money, and I assure you that if you were in our
>> shoes,
>> you would pay when extorted, of course I played dumb
>> and paid them little, and got out of there.
>> --- "E.P. Grondine" wrote:
>>> Hi Robert, all -
>>> At least the newspaper got it right - "5"
>> meteorite
>>> traficantes - Farmer had 3 in his party, so you
>> were
>>> in the company of someone else.
>>> And yes, la mordida is a bane, of which you have
>>> mastery. There is one thing that can be said for
>>> Farmer, at least he openly reported his bribes -
>> you
>>> haven't.
>>> Others here have pointed out that you ripped off
>> the
>>> locals by preying on their ignorance of the market
>>> and
>>> offering them low prices.
>>> In Canada, this kind of thing would not happen
>>> because
>>> of the laws there. On the other hand, a lot of
>> Moss
>>> Lake was lost.
>>> The question here is did you enter into a contract
>>> with the land owner, and if so when? Did the land
>>> owner allow others to collect on his land? The
>>> money
>>> from the sales of the pieces that the police
>> seized
>>> from the finders must either be given to them or
>> to
>>> the land owners. But there is a fat chance of that
>>> happening.
>>> So how about a list of who bought what from whom
>>> when
>>> you go to catalog? Say "Oficer Jose" or "Mayor
>>> Jorge"?
>>> Robert, you're being just plain nasty here. Please
>>> stop insulting Farmer, and please stop using a
>> false
>>> name and false title.
>>> E.P. Grondine
>>> Man and Impact in the Americas
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