Hello Svend and all,

I put on-line on my site some photos which illustrates your comments as regards 
the description of the meteorite fallen in the erg Chech.

Best wishes,
Philippe Thomas

As Greg has already pointed out on the list earlier the Chergach/Erg Chech or 
"Mali" material as it has been dubbed by sellers can be clearly distinguished 
from e.g. Benguerir, Amgala, 
Bensour and Bassikounou by comparing broken or cut surfaces.

"Mali" has a dark ash grey color with meandering unevenly distributed blueish 
areas that often enclose dark grey patches, "Mali" is brecciated and diplays 
clasts full of very small but 
distinct chondrules. "Mali" shows no black shock veining as for example in 
Bassikounou. Unless the Bassikounou fall did not drop a second hitherto unknown 
lithology these two are 
clearly separate events. I will later post some comparison pictures on my 

With completely crusted individuals separation is difficult. The genuine "Mali" 
material I have seen however did not show any soil staining and was completely 
lacking the red laterite dust 
that can be found on many of the Bassikounou specimens. Differention by the 
grade of wheathering is not possible. Both falls are to recent for that.

As to your question, I have the impression that the new material can safely be 
ordered from several resellers in Morocco. Upon request I can recommend a 
number uf reliable sources in 
Morocco to you.
All my Chergach ("Mali") material I have purchased directly from Morocco was 
genuine material from a different event then the ones mentioned above. In 
Munich I purchased a 125gm 
oriented fragment among some genuine "Mali" stones and that particular specimen 
by close inspection turned out to be a Bassikounou. The same seller also 
offered me a another piece 
as "Mali" that I had already described in the Bassikounou catalog and that 
could clearly be recognized by its bright red impact marks.

On the other hand this same seller had a number of splendid regmaglypted 
individuals in the kg range on his table that could easily and without doubt be 
recognized as from the 
Chergach strewfield by examining the broken surfaces.

The cause of the confusion in my opinion has to do with the complete lack of 
confirmed intelligence on the "Mali" event. The makeshift name "Mali" already 
indicates the misery that 
neither an exact date nor exact coordinates were available for this fall in the 
beginning when the distribution started. The information provided by A. Habibi 
that the distribution ellipse 
is located near Chergach in the Erg Chech did not yet make it to most of the 
sellers offering the new material in Munich. At least on request they could not 
tell you anything about the 
origin of their "Mali" material.

I'll post any emerging insights on this on my page and I encourage everyone to 
share their knowledge as well, as it would be a great loss if the background of 
this beautiful meteorite 
remains a mystery.

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