Hi Mike, Doug, all - 

Given the problems with water at the site, and the
lack of transportation near to it, my thinking is that
perhaps they may be better off searching the crater,
including the floor, for any fragments, and then
removing them.

I suppose what they do next depends on what is
recovered, but filling in the crater with clean sand
is certainly another option. While we're very
interested in the crater here on the meteorite list, I
can't imagine many people making a side trip to visit
it, so that $10,000 may just end up as a local
consolation prize. There may be other ways $10,000
could be spent in the community which would have
greater and more beneficial long term effects.

Sale of small fragments may fund their national
meteorite recovery program and national or local
museum operations - but it is important that the local
people see some benefit from this. I think that the
best display location would be in an existing facility
either at the border crossing or down at the lake.

I suppose Bob Haag has a much better idea what it
going on and what will happen next. As for TKW, aside
from what remains (or not) in the crater, my guess is
that over the coming years small pieces may be
recovered from both the strewn field and under the
flight path.

E.P. Grondine
Man and Impact in the Americas

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