
The second I tell you when you can and can't pray (as well as for what
you can pray) is the very second that you can tell me when I am able
to use a historical figure's name in any writing I see fit to put to
email or paper or any such thing.
Until then, by god, I'll not pay you any heed until the lord himself
does striketh me downeth.
And if you have a problem with it, I say you let your god wreak his
own havoc upon my soul and body, heaven so help me.  I doubt (s)he/it,
or they need(s) your help.
Do me a favour, and don't talk to me about praying.  There's enough of
that on channel 180, and, to be frank, I prefer to spend my time
watching Scooby-Doo.  You do as you please though; it's a damned free
country, and it's a damned free list.
Except when it comes to cursing.
Real cursing.
At which point, our lord and savior Art (I don't wish to mock you,
Art; for the purposes of this list, that's effectively what you are,
metaphorically speaking) tends to intervene and ban the guilty
If you have a problem with what's going on here, talk to him.  He'll
surely put an end to it, should it need attention.
"We people," as you so deemed us in your email, just get annoyed, and
there's naught we can do, should we want to (and in this case, I feel
particularly disinclined).
Until then, meteorites?

On that note, has anyone ever heard anything about a fall in South
Africa in 1968?  There's no reference to any such even in a bulletin,
nor the catalog, etc, etc.  I've looked into it about as far as
possible and haven't had any luck.  Unfortunately, there's a stone and
a newspaper clipping that say that something did, in fact,
happen...near Queenstown, perhaps...I'm working on figuring out the
origin of the clipping.

[Tarzan call]*,

^*Suggested spelling, anyone?

On Nov 19, 2007 9:37 PM, E.P. Grondine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all -
> And what do you people have against prayer?
> my apologies to all offended by my exasperation...
> E.P.
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