Hi Bob & All,
        Al Lang told me he is going to have a very few, very select
Pieces in some high end auction the last weekend (15th).
        I have heard Darryl Pitt is not doing an auction this year.
        I have not put up my auction program yet for a couple of
1) I got slapped with a $5K "deposit" by the City of Tucson based
On some obscure law about them holding a retainer for any auction
"in case" someone claims the auction violated protocol and someone
Claims they suffered a loss as a result. Gee - I wonder where that
Came from? (I am confident this did NOT originate with Al Lang)
        Anyway, I am only now able to arrange with the city their
Blood Money. (I will be researching sites outside the City Limits
in the future - but it was too late this time around.
2) Only a couple of people have put stuff in, so far, as Greg Hupe
Decided to pass on placing items in the auction this year. I have
Also been recalcitrant contacting other dealers due to depression
Over issue #1 above and:
3) We lost our beloved Slipper Snatcher and neither of us are able
to deal with it well at all. Each of us becomes completely consumed
with grief at the mention of it. So, unless someone really hates me,
please do NOT offer condolences or mention it in any way - ever.
        Fortunately, some of the 30 or so items are FANTASTIC - like
an 89g slice of Peekskill with no minimum, etc. So far, very few
Minimums and a high number of outstanding specimens, which
is what it will take if this auction is to continue, given the skyrocketing
Overhead I have been slapped around with.
        None the less, I am attempting to keep the cost to both sellers
And buyers at a minimum. In that spirit, I will keep the seller's fee
At 10% for all items submitted (and accepted) by Jan 1(Yes, I know
That is only 4 days - try the time crunch on this end). From Jan 2
Through Jan 15 the seller's commission will be 12.5% and from Jan
16 to auction day it will be 15%. Day of auction is 20%.
        ALSO: Due to the inevitable scrutiny the City of Tucson will be
Applying, if you do not register at sign in a resale number (or, if your
State does not use resale numbers - some other form of confirmation
You are a reseller) you will be paying a Tucson and AZ sales tax.
I don't know about other states, but in CA if is both easy and FREE
To get a resale license. (ever sell a meteorite on eBay? Anywhere else?
Then you might possibly sell in your state and be subject to sales tax.
Selling ANY, ever, or the INTENT to ever sell qualifies you. Take care
Of this now. 
        NOTE: I will accept only quality collection pieces and only the
Most exceptional pieces will be accepted with a minimum. The auction
Has averaged at least 90% (usually, more like 95%) of the lots with no
minimum and that clearly has stimulated bidding, while half the pieces
with a minimum get no bids at all.
        (Each item will have to average $100 hammer price for me
to BREAK EVEN - and I have a great deal more than the 10 hrs I put
in at the auction in preparation time. It would be nice to make more
than 10 cents an hour on that).
        The auction will be held Saturday, February 9th (the Birthday Bash
And Harvey Awards will be Fri, Feb. 8th). From what has come in so far,
Regardless of other factors, this will likely be the most stunning auction
To date. Some very, very nice pieces have been entered and several
Dealers have spoken to me about putting in some other mind blowers.
Hopefully, this will be a mind blowing auction to remember.
        I hope to get the beginnings of the catalog up in the next few days,
So, interested parties, PLEASE CONTACT ME re this auction NOW.
        Hope everyone had a MERRY CHRISTMAS! And will have a
Wonderful New Year.
        Looking foreword to seeing everyone.
        Best wishes, Michael

on 12/26/07 6:03 PM, Bob Evans at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I'm sure everybody has tired of seeing posts from E.P. , Jason etc.
> What about Tucson? Nothing to talk about ?
> Doesn't Michael Blood usually have a auction page on his website by now? Is
> there really going to be kilos and Kilos of Mali, huh Mike?
> Can we see some posts about anything other than Mammoth spew and the I'm
> right you are wrong posts?
> I see that Al is having an auction on Feb 15th. Are any of the main
> collectors going to be around for that?
> If he decided not to personally conduct the auction in his room because of
> the problems last year, that's a shame.
> Looks like Jim Strope is going to sell some personal collection pieces. That
> should be pretty cool.
> Any body planning on hunting while in AZ ?
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