On Sat, 29 Dec 2007 17:34:10 -0800, you wrote:

>But there is one element I found that is even better than iron;
>it's rare, but its neutron cross section is 48,800 barns (!) which
>more than makes up for its rarity relative to iron. It's gadolinium
>(Gd).  It's about 9000 times rarer than iron, but its huge neutron
>affinity more than makes up for it. For a given kilo of earth,
>gadolinium ends up being a little more than twice as good as iron
>as a neutron getter.


>I still have a big problem coming up with the mechanism by which
>E.P.'s large impact is supposed to generate these neutrons.  Since
>the temperature is too low to achieve a nuclear reaction thermally,
>and the impact velocity is far too low to do it kinetically, the
>only thing left I can think of is some sort of fusor-like plasma
>reaction -- alas, without the benefit of deuterium.   --Rob

To sum it up, you don't know how the neutrons would hit the broad side of a gd
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