I just spoke to Mark Bostick for the first time in
three months or so. He hasnt been listing much ebay
auctions but has had his brother taking care of a
couple thousand ebay store items while he was away but
it seems to have been a challenge for his brother to
keep up and take care of his kids and work at the same
time to so email responces have been slow.
Mark has been taking care of his terminallylly ill
father for the past few months and has not had any
internet access.
He is now in the process of taking ebay back over from
his brother and is now sorting through more than
10,000 emails from his time away. He hopes to get back
to everybody soon but if you need to contact him wait
a few days as he widdles down his emails and then
email him again. 
He apologizes if anybody is missing items and will
take care of things shortly

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