Hi again Wayne,

I noticed that the links to the MetBull database web
site are temporarily broken again, and since you are
mainly interested in seeing images of this meteorite,
here are some links to images that I took in 2000:


These images aren't the best quality, because I took
them over 8 years ago, under low-light conditions on
the kitchen counter-top at John Blennert's residence.

But now I'm starting to see the similarity between
these two specimens found almost 10 years apart.

Curious to see similar close-up images of your find.

Thanks for posting your find. Hope your find some more
of these cute-as-a-button stonys.
Bob V.

[meteorite-list] King Tut Meteorite
Robert Verish bolidechaser at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 4 17:19:02 EDT 2008

Hello Wayne,

Here is a link to an image on the finder's website:


Can't comment on whether your find matches with the
John Blennert find without seeing some close-up images
like those on John's website.

Congratulations on your unusual Gold Basin Area find.
Bob V.


[meteorite-list] King Tut Meteorite
wayne holmes holmesw at frontiernet.net
Thu Apr 3 21:46:04 EDT 2008

Hello All
Having trouble finding info on the King Tut meteorite
from Arizona. Can anyone give me a reference to
pictures? And where abouts of the original specimen?
Looking for a match on the oriented specimen I have on
my website:
Thanks & Regards

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