In a message dated 5/1/2008 12:48:22 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Hello again, it is that day of the week, EBAY day!

>"Ebay Day"???   Gimmick

See the link above  linking all of my auctions from
both of my ebay usernames. 

>Two Ebay Names???  Gimmick

I have some wonderful pieces  ending this week,
many goodies, take a look, many are still
at one  cent.
> "Wonderful," "many goodies," "take a look,"  "many are still  at one cent"  
Gimmick, gimmick, gimmick, gimmick!

Michael  Farmer


Steve Arnold #1

P.S.  For those of you that  are humor-challenged, that ;-) "wink" at the 
end, indicated a joke.  This  email was a joke. See, Mike called my desire to 
sell on Ebay as a "gimmick" the  other day, so I thought it would be funny to 
respond to his email with the same  thing, although as you can see I tastefully 
left out the personal bent in my  post.   If people fail to find the humor in 
this, I will next time put  "WARNING JOKE INCLOSED" in the subject line so you 
will all be forewarned.   But I am hoping most of you will have seen the humor 
in the post without even  the need for this lengthy postscript. 

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listings at AOL Autos.      
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