Flames------Yes siree Bob------
You are way outta line here. You try to guilt me into giving because I just 
Try living on about $750 a month. Pay all your bills.
Buy food at ever higher prices. Buy gas!!
Have a nice meteorite collection of meteorites, all of which are
~5 grams or less because you can't afford the 6.2 Kg Lunar.
Even with co-pay on your meds, it's too much.
Choose to be either healthy or hungry!!!!
Choose to either walk (you're cripple) or ride, (oops
can't afford the gas).
Do you see me out begging?  NO NO NO NO
I watch my pennies and look for the DEAL when buying
anything, meteorites included.
Don't you even dare to tell me I should offer something. You know
absolutely nothing about my circumstances.
Lastly, how do you know that I haven't offered something?
You owe every member of the list an apology.
IMCA 1733  {and all around educator of the students.
( Yes, I donate to students because I am blessed to have
meteorites that they don't have so I share what I've got.)}

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mal Bishop" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2008 7:26 AM
Subject: [IMCA] A Feeling Of Shame

Dear list members,

I must say I'm somewhat disappointed in the reception/ turn-out thus
far as related to the number of people on this list who have reached
out and made some sort of gesture of goodwill by donating something,
anything, to help a fellow community member who has REALLY undergone
a horrible ordeal and still is in the midst of it -- not to mention
what his wife, CJ, and other family members are having to deal
with!  Where are all of the 'BIG' dealers, all of the truly well
fortuned collectors who have SO much that to offer up a single piece
from their vaults of space treasure would be of little, if any
noticeable, loss to them!  Take a moment and each one of you think
what it would be like if it were you in Gary's position?  How would
you then feel about your treasures compared to what dark, and
foreboding place you now find yourself in.  I'll be outright honest,
I feel sort of ashamed to be associated with a community that
apparently doesn't mind trying to always acquire more and more
personal bounty from space, but are maybe just a little too reticent
in giving up something, make a sacrifice to help a fellow 'kinsman'
with the vary same passions and desires -- at least he did at one
time until something much more important stepped in its place to
unveil some truth of the duality of life.  There is fortune and good,
and then there is much suffering, loss, and indescribable pain and
fear around the next bend waiting for ANYONE at ANYTIME!!!

I'm sorry in advance if I'm off base, way out in left field, or just
sound plain bitter, angry, or what ever label ya'll wish to place on
this or me, but all I can say is it is a shame when you have a list
comprised of hundreds of folks worldwide supposedly not only
interested in a hobby, and appear to want to share and communicate
with one another (hence why a list like this exist in the first
place, correct?), but don't seem to want to reach out when a time
like this comes upon us to help one of  "our own" !!!  I know times
are getting harder financially , especially maybe here in the US for
a lot of us, but still many of us are finding it possible to still
invest and spend on ourselves and indulge our hobbyist desires and
whims, so why then can't some of you ,if not all, offer something to
show your true care, compassion, and concern, not just for another
human being, but for one of us for goodness sakes!

Again, I know I will probably receive some distasteful responses due
to my putting my nose where maybe a lot of you feel it may not
belong, but it is rather disgusting to see talk always going on about
what's for sale, what I want, what can I acquire, while rarely
anything is mentioned about Gary's plight save for our resident
angel, Maria!  It looks like some basic plain old greed and self
indulgent type behavior to me!  This is why we find so much misery in
our world at any given time, and any given place -- it's always about
me, me,me, me!!!  Well, take just a few precious seconds and do some
REAL soul searching then see what it's truly all about -- life I mean
-- then maybe a few of you may come to a different realization!!!

Now I'm through, I'll step of off the proverbial soapbox and await my
stoning, but I felt lead to say what I did.  Oh yea, you may also
excommunicate me as well if the desire is there.

Thanks for your time in indulging my rant!



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