Ruben Garcia wrote:

"All hunting on private land in Glorieta is no longer permitted. Prices are 
getting high and will only go higher. If you don't have a Glorieta individual 
get one now! This is not a "scare tactic" or "hype" to sell a few pieces. Nice 
full slices can still be had at a decent price from Mike Miller @

However, there will be no more individuals coming out of the strewnfield, any 
hunters that try will be arrested."

Gee I wonder why?

"Taking the Hill"  "Glorieta hunts" and all the publicity on the "Treasure" out 
there on lands that are not only private but also historic battlefields from 
two wars, the Mexican and the Civil War.

Holes left uncovered, trash and bottles scattered on once pristine land.  Off 
road tracks criss crossing every hill and cranny... and more importantly 
historic relics thought to be old trash were removed from where they were found 
and piled elsewhere or trashed.   And what some thought to be trash was in fact 
an archeologist's treasure.    Whenever I encountered an artifact, I put it 
right back into the hole, covering as it was.   Every hole I ever dug and 
covered cannot be found today. 

No wonder that meteorite hunters will be arrested and might I add prosecuted. 

In the many years that I searched, I always got permission from land owners if 
I went onto private lands.   Now most of those landowners are gone, having sold 
their lands to others.  But for the most part my searches were pretty much 
restricted to public lands, and well off of the battlefield areas,

Blab, blab, blab...

Make as much publicity and stink as one can, trash the land... And the result 
is that that area and any other future meteorite fields that we might find gets 
shut down.

No respect for the rights of property owners; leaving the land cratered like 
the moon, plastic bottles that will take centuries to break down scattered 

What does Ruben and everyone expect from landowners with their high publicity 
meteorite hunts?

A public, and Government welcoming committee?

Steve Schoner
IMCA 4470

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