Hi again,
        ALL "investments" are "iffy" - with one
And only one exception: gold.
        Gold is the oldest "currency" throughout
History of most cultures. In fact, "money" generally
Has no meaning whatsoever except as it relates to
Gold - how much gold will a dollar/peso/yen/ruple/pound, etc
        The bottom line is, gold, itself, never changes value -
Currencies change value in relationship to gold.
        That being said, I would never, ever buy gold during
A depression or even a recession. The time to buy gold is
When the "value" of the dollar (or whatever currency) is
"strong" (relative to gold). Then sell it when the nit wits
Panic and the "price" of gold is through the ceiling. (of
Course, ideally, one has enough $ to always keep about
20% of all one's wealth in gold in case the whole damned
Racket goes to hell.
        However, as we can now see around the world, the world's
governments are just going to print more Monopoly money
until solvency is reached. These days, gold is not used
exclusively, rather a cartel of bankers daily decide
What each currency is "worth" relative to each of the other
World currencies "for that day." Weird. Tricky Dicky (Nixon
For you younger readers) was key in propelling this system
To its current level when he stopped backing US dollars with
Gold. Terribly ironic is the fact that that may now serve to
Keep this all from turning into Mad Max.
        It is their monopoly game, so, they will just make sure
it all keeps going. A depression doesn't make anyone richer -
even the filthy rich and titans of the oil industries (who have
more sway than any country). They now play a role as powerful
As the Church from the Dark Ages well into the "age of
        Likewise, now is a TERRIBLE time to sell most stocks.
Now is the time to BUY most stock - when it is cheap. A great
Many millionaires made their money doing just that.
        I have a friend that has hundreds of millions of dollars
Of Microsoft Shares. Many years back one of his son's called
Him and said, "Gee, dad, I am really sorry about how much
You lost last week." He said, "What are you talking about?"
And his son told him his stock had fallen 195 million dollars
The previous week. He responded, "Son, I didn't loose one penny.
You only loose if you sell when the stock is down. I am not worried,
It will be back up whether it is a few weeks, a few months or a
Few years doesn't matter. I have no intention of selling when it
Is down." 
        Interesting lesson I learned that day.
        Anyway, just a couple of  points of interest.
        Best wishes, Michael

on 10/12/08 10:48 PM, bill kies at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I don't see meteorites as a tangible asset. Tangible of course. Asset, iffy.
> Maybe it's because I don't have an enormous investment in them.
> As rare as they are, the intrinsic value is only as great as the number of
> people that place a great esoteric value in them. That number dwindles when
> mortgages and savings crash.
> A commodity dedicated to the dedicated but never a safe harbor. Have fun and
> buy smart.
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