Steve, and all,

There are in fact terrestrial "black" diamonds.   A these are like all the 
"normal" diamonds with an octahedral crystal structure.

Just because they are termed "black" does not make them carbonados.  In fact 
most carbonado diamonds are not black.   They can be brown, sandy brown, green, 
dark green and gray, and all the way to pitch black. 

But what distinguishes them from all normal octahedral crystal black diamonds 
is their porous structure,   A clear indication that they formed in a very low 
pressure environment, such as in space as Dr. Haggarty proposed with regards to 
his research. 

It is interesting to note the fact that they are found only on the shores of 
two continents.   And if you put the two land masses of Africa and South 
America together the spots coincide.   

So that said, just because a diamond is black does not make it a "carbonado."

If one puts a normal octahedral black diamond against a true carbonado, the 
difference is very apparent even without magnification.

The question remains.   Where did these carbonados come from, if no mechanism 
for their formation can be found on earth?

Steve Schoner
IMCA #4470

[meteorite-list] Black diamonds
Steve Dunklee sdunklee72520 at
Fri Apr 10 06:53:57 EDT 2009

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If you ever have the chance to travel to Crater of diamonds state park in 
Arkansas they have a nice display of diamonds mined from the volcanic vent to 
include black cabanado diamonds. If they are meteoric ,the meteorite hit 
somwhere in China, passed all the way thru the earth to erupt here in a 
volcano. Yea right lol!

Have a nice day


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