It's probably a poor analogy, but here goes :

If someone wins the Miss America crown, they are expected to behave a
certain way in public because that behavior reflects upon the Miss
America institution.  The same can be said for many organizations
whose members interact with the public - they must uphold the
expectations placed upon them by their affiliations.  Furthermore,
public perception often carries more weight than the actions of the
person in question.

I'm not one of those list members who maintains a tally sheet of who
posts how many ads and when - I am not that anal.  But when the issue
becomes a point of contention in a public forum, those affiliated with
the person in question must examine how these behaviors reflect upon
the organization as a whole.

Chicago Steve was not an IMCA member, AFAIK.  I don't know about Mr.
Cottingham.  Is he a member?  If not, then this point of mine is moot.
 If he is a member, then my original point stands - any organization
concerned with it's image should ensure that it's members
(representatives to the public) obey all rules of etiquette demanded
by a particular venue they choose to participate in.  To flaunt the
rules not only reflects poorly in the individual doing it, it reflects
poorly on any group or organization they represent.  That's all I was
trying to say.

FWIW, I have no personal issue with Mr. Cottingham.  He's always been
square with me when we have done some minor deals.  Seems like a nice
guy.  But his recent posting of multiple ads in defiance of the rules
has caused some bickering on this list and it looks bad - for all
concerned, regardless of what explanations are behind it.  Perception
is often more important than substance - especially when commercial
enterprises are concerned.

Best regards,


On 5/1/09, Mark Crawford <> wrote:
> Mike, I don't understand what point you're trying to make here.
> IMCA is IMCA, MetList is an open email forum (very lightly) moderated by
> Art. They are not in any way related, other than the obvious fact that
> the community is small, many IMCA members are list members, and vice versa.
> If you're suggesting that IMCA should 'do something' about Bill's
> comments, according to the web site he's not a member; IMCA therefore
> has no jurisdiction. If you're talking about someone else then I'm just
> confused.
> ?
> Galactic Stone & Ironworks wrote:
>> What kills me if that the IMCA looks the other way while it's members
>> make a mockery of Art's rules.
>> Apparently they aren't concerned too much about their public image.
>> Other organizations would give the boot to members who flagrantly
>> violate rules of public venues.   Not only are the rules selectively
>> enforced here on the list, but apparently the IMCA follows a similar
>> strategy.
> --
> Mark's Meteorite Pages:

Michael Gilmer (Louisiana, USA)
Member of the Meteoritical Society.
Member of the Bayou Region Stargazers Network.
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