Dean. I've read some of my old posts to the met-list and thought to myself, how 
damn stupid was that. Maybe you should do the same. 

> Date: Fri, 1 May 2009 23:23:33 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] AD drama - an idea to solve it. - BAN BILL
> bill kies says:
> "I have asked Art many times why he tolerates this stuff. It's been years 
> now."
> --------------------------------------------------------
> OK, how high of an IQ is required to be able to figure out that Art really 
> doesn't care? How many times do you need to be told to be able to figure it 
> out? A little more repetitive training required maybe?
> And who gave you the authority to simply declare yourself sheriff and to go 
> on constantly spamming a thousand people with vile and personal attacks 
> because you have something up your butt and don't like the way that somebody 
> is running their discussion list that has absolutely nothing to do with you? 
> Its not your list.
> Here is the real idea to solve the problem. You don't like the way the list 
> is policed - so unsubscribe yourself. Nobody is forcing you to endure this 
> misery for "years now".
> You just don't get it do you. That personal attack on me had nothing to do 
> with list policies or the discussion in question but everything to do about 
> the real problem on this list. Nobody really cares wither I am doing well or 
> on the way to the poorhouse or what the quality of what I am selling is. If 
> they don't like my stuff they don't buy it. It was just a personal attack 
> that you decided that you had to slip in for no sane reason other to spread 
> more vile on the list. Its the attacks and bitching that is pissing people 
> off. And today only you continue to expose the list to this senseless vile.
> Go away, the rest of us want to talk about, buy or sell meteorites. We are 
> not interested in your senseless vile. Go create your own discussion group 
> and then you can do whatever you want with it and you wont have to harass a 
> discussion group owner and the people who are a member of his discussion list 
> for "years now".
> Sincerely
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