Dear List,

Happy anniversary to the Butsura meteorite (H6), whose anniversary of its fall from the heavens on May 12, 1861 is today.

If today is your birthday whether you be in India, Mexico or Germany, ... happy birthday!

Did anyone notice Svend's site has a writeup on this fall with the strewn field illustrated (sixth image down ), by none other than the namesake of Maskelynite, Nevil Story Maskelyne?

As a tidbit that Butsura links to this day ... Nevil Story was the grandson of the great English astronomer and aristocrat, the Longitude guru Nevil Maskelyne. That's the guy somewhat responsible for making Greenwich the origin of longitude, and a very decorated English gentleman indeed. (If you tire of politics and the way history gets officially recorded, truth or not, read the exciting but frustrating book, "Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time." It is about John Harrison, who grandpa Maskelyne, enamored by measuring the moon, the astronomer he was, and not precision timepieces, reputedly pulled a fast one on and denied him the recognition and prize money from the crown he deserved for that day's equivalent of the X-Prize which Harrison apparently won in a story of brilliance and technical dexterity. Only after intervention by the King himself, who threatened to kick some aristocratic butts was a pseudorecognition arranged.
Best wishes,
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