I know lots of people that are gold prospectors here in Arizona, they will take anyone anytime to teach them how to find gold. These same poeple guard their areas well and no amount of talking or liquer will persuade them to give up their best locations. I have found that if you show these people a willingness to work hard, walk for miles, sweat you ass off and not complain they will take you to the places they find the best gold.

Greg, you are sounding a bit childish here. I do not hunt meteorites and I live in AZ. I do buy meteorites from time to time and I expect to pay for the hard work that goes into the recovery of the stones. I have been gold prospecting a couple of times and found that it was hours of back breaking work in the hot desert, digging in unforgiving ground only to find nothing.

The same goes for finding meteorites, well except the digging for the most part. Gold is found WAY more easily than space rocks.

I have been on this board for many years and I have always found that EVERYONE here is always willing to help, teach, instruct, and give all the info they have to anyone here who asks.

PERHAPS I missed the post where you POLITELY asked to help, if so I apologize but so far all I have seen is WHINING.

Perhaps if you were to offer your help and explain what you can, could or would be willing to contribute to a project, someone might step up and ask you along.

Mark M.
Phoenix AZ

- Original Message ----- From: "Shauna Russell" <meteoritewo...@yahoo.com>
To: <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Sunday, July 05, 2009 2:23 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Fw: Arizona Fall "a secret"

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Shauna Russell <meteoritewo...@yahoo.com>
To: meteoritel...@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Sunday, July 5, 2009 2:15:05 PM
Subject: Arizona Fall "a secret"

This is in regards to "A secret"

This new fall in Arizona is not being kept secret because of money. Why can't a group of friends who enjoy meteorite hunting and find a strewn field keep it within themselves?! Lets take a look back at West, Texas. Within a day of finding material, there were so many people tromping through peoples yards it was insane! (Soon we were getting kicked off of property that we had full permission to hunt on until it became flooded with treasure hunters and meteorite enthusiasts from all over) Having said that, we don't want a repeat of West right here in our own backyard. The material will be recovered, the data in regards to the strewn field will be preserved, unlike the usual chaos that ensues at a new fall. There are a number of places that people hunt at that are not open for everyone and their brother to jump into. It's sad that some people have to try to make an issue out of something wonderful. Like trying to make our group look bad because they can't be involved. Jack found the strewn field, Jack deserves to handle this the way he chooses without being ridiculed. Anyways, Robert and myself would like to congratulate Jack on this incredible recovery!!!!

Shauna Russell

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