Considering that it is light like aluminum, maybe it is a piece of melted aluminum?

Why try to make things more complicated than they are?

Mike Fowler

Hello list members
I've been contacted by a fellow in Dublin who found this
object years ago and has always been curious about whether it might be
a meteorite.He states that it is about 2cms long(roughly 7/8 of an inch
for our non-metric list members) and is light like aluminium.I have
asked him whether it was magnetic and he said 'no' .
Of course I should have asked him whether it was
attracted to a magnet, so I did and waiting for his reponse now.Because
this object is so small I've advised him that the best way to test may
be to file down a flat area and apply nitol to see if a pattern emerges.
Of course even this isn't 100% if it happened to be an ataxite.
I told him I thought it was unlikely that the object was
meteoritic in nature but that I would pose the question to the
meteorite list and see what the experts think.So if you could please
take a look and offer your opinions I'd appreciate it.
Jim Brady

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