Rob McCafferty posted:

I got hauled over the coals because I didn't do a risk assessment on the likelyhood of contamination by microbial life from another world. Some jackass in the H&S department thought he knew more about science than me.

Dear Rob:

That would be an absolutely hilarious story if it weren't also a tragic example of pig-headedness (not sure if that's a real word?). What's next: No laughing allowed on Sundays? I wouldn't be a bit surprised.

I once did a high school science fair demo about meteorites and meteorite hunting, and the lady organizing it was all worried about radiation. I assured her there was nothing to be concerned about, and that the florescent lights in the high school gym were likely putting out a lot more radiation than the meteorites. At least the school people I dealt with were nice about it.

Anyway, good for you for letting the kids touch a piece of the moon, and -- in my experience -- receiving an "official warning for misconduct" is frequently a measure of original thinking and good character : )


Geoff N.
Meteorite-list mailing list

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